Kiven Strohm | Politics after Art: Or, how Art Matters
Further reading:
Atshan, Sa’ed. 2021. “The Anthropological Rise of Palestine” Journal of Palestine Studies
Karkabi, Nadeem and Aamer Ibrahim. 2020. “On fleeing colonial captivity: fugitive arts in the occupied Jawlan” Identities
Rowe, Aimee Carrillo and Eve Tuck. 2017. “Settler Colonialism and Cultural Studies: Ongoing Settlement, Cultural Production, and Resistance” Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 17(1): 3-13.
Sansi, Roger. 2015. Anthropology, art, and the gift. London: Bloomsbury.
Strohm, Kiven. 2019. “The Sensible Life of Return: Collaborative Experiments in Art and Anthropology in Palestine/Israel” American Anthropologist, 121(1): 243-255.